Exploring VIB's Successful 5S Training Journey
In its continuous journey of growth, VIB found the solution to a crucial challenge: creating a unified and efficient work environment through the principles of 5S (Seiri – Sort, Seiton – Set in Order, Seiso – Shine, Seiketsu – Standardize, Shitsuke – Sustain). This solution was achieved through the collaboration between VIB and Amber Online Education.
Building a Foundation of 5S Knowledge
With the goal of fostering a creative and efficient work environment, VIB partnered with Amber to implement a training program on the 5S principles. Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke became fundamental principles, enabling employees not only to understand their importance but also to apply them in the workplace.

An Engaging Learning Journey
Amber Online Education creatively designed a unique course, using motion graphics combined with interactive interfaces. With collaboration from VIB, real office images were vividly recreated in the course. Learners were challenged and engaged through quizzes and interactive learning.

Effectiveness Of E-learning Program
The achieved results are not just a deeper understanding of 5S but an actual transformation in VIB’s work environment. Cleanliness, organization, and self-discipline have led to an improved work environment, encouraging creativity and productivity.
The collaboration between VIB and Amber Online Education is a testament to the power of diverse and flexible learning solutions. Amber’s professionalism and innovation blend seamlessly with VIB’s agreement and dedication, creating an impactful learning journey.
Let Amber Online Education accompany you on your transformational journey towards success. Contact us today to explore how we can help you experience outstanding learning adventures.